I woke up from a beautiful crisp sunrise morning ready for the perfect day i've been expecting for the past week. Containing my excitement and thrill, as if a soda bottle was about to burst, I popped up like a firework and threw on the most worn clothing I could find. The more worn i thought, was the better. In my long, lean, and torn Levis, with the ends tucked into brown justin leathery boots, I threw on my old trucker camouflage hat, and tightened the velcro strap on my long blonde hair that fell below my shoulders. Feeling as though I was a airplane ready for take off, I rushed in a hurry to grab the long dangling band that held the precious gold and silver metals that would help me feed my excitement.
I bid my mama a fair well, and ran fervently to the blue mechanism that'd take me home. Starting the quiet engine, as if you could hear the hushed sound vibrating through the air, I pressed heavily on the black metal pedal that laid below the round burning wheel. Carefully sliding the blazing stick into reverse, I backed out with an intent to move quickly. As my stomach twisted and turned, a breeze of exhilarating fresh cold air ran through my body. I felt as though I was invincible and light as though I were a leaf drifting through the wind on a light breezy spring afternoon.
Cruising over the smooth pavement, I made twists and turns in a variety of directions. Rolling past the railroad tracks that thundered under my vehicle like a stampede of cattle, I continued on free spirited. As I took a road yonder from the road I left on, I crossed one light that stood dimly in the whole town. On the left I saw a decrepit damaged dusty barber shop that hadn't been opened for years. On the right, was wide open field filled with crops, and thick cattle. I was able to contain my enthusiasm and excitement, until I reached the road that inflamed my spirit and made my heart flutter. Turning left onto the gravel road, rocks exploited underneath my car like firecrackers popping on the fourth of july.
I drove hastily over the old dirt gravel, exceeding the roads limits. As rocks flew from right to left, I quickly slowed down to a stop, when I reached an old rusty sign that hung on a large picket fence. The sign read, Riding Unlimited. As I turned onto the bumpy uneven dirt road, i drove straight until I reached a small patch of grass. Ahead of me was a thin rusty red iron fence that stretched miles wide. Beyond the fence were fields of warm green grass that grew exceedingly high. I turned off the blue car as the sound of a roaring hush grew silent. Stepping out of the car in my brown leathery Justin boots, I came to a halt, locking in the beautiful blue ocean sky that floated above me.
Pacing my steps I grew closer and closer to an old barn that stood with broad features, holding in the very animal that would run free if the chance were given. I winded around to the very far side and came to a halt. A beautiful yet so intimidating creature stood with confidence, and impulsively began to stomp. Releasing the midnight colored beast from the very confinement that restricted his movements, i hopped on bare back, letting the intensity rupture through my veins and the thrill burst through my body. One hard kick to the side of the male midnight colored beast, we race with passion leaving the gate wide open. Both hearts racing faster and faster, I recognized the very part of me that was missing, and soon felt at home, which was what I had longed for.